You can build a simple historical net worth / investment tracking tool with Google Sheets without providing your private financial credential to online services.
For the historical perspective, you will need to add some simple script to automatically copy the information to the Historical tab. Please note that I added light script below to help you get started.
- Level of complexity: Medium - need to add/modify script and how to use charts.
- Knowledge of spreadsheet: High
- Time: 3 hours
High level structure
Today tab
This is your current financial picture view. An example structure is below.
Date: 2022-07-23
Investment A 100,000 // Auto Calculation based on the Investment tab - direct ref. is ok
Investment B 100,000 // Auto Calculation based on the Investment tab - direct ref. is ok
House A 500,000 // Manual input once in a while
Total Assets 700,000
Mortgage for House A 300,000 // Manual input once in a while
Line of Credit A 200,000 // Manual input once in a while
Total Liabilities 500,000
Net Worth 200,000
Investment Tab A
Create a simple structure to track your TFSA, RRSP, or general investment. You will use either the Google Finance function or the yChart to get your stock/mutual funds price. Note, to retrieve mutual fund price in the Toronto Stock Exchange, you will need to use yCharts
Symbol Exchange Quantity Price Total
GOOGL TSX 500 $100 $5,000
MS TSX 500 $100 $5,000
Total Investment $10,000
To retrieve the stock price automatically, use this formula: =IF(ISBLANK(C3), 0, GOOGLEFINANCE(IF(ISBLANK(D3), C3, D3&":"&C3), "price"))
- C3 is the symbol column
- D3 is the stock exchange column
For Toronto Stock Exchange and Mutual Fund only: to retrieve the mutual fund from the Toronto stock exchange automatically, you will need to use this formula and change from TSX to TO: =IMPORTXML("" & C13 & "." & D13, "/html/body/main/div/div[2]/div/div/div[2]/div/span[1]")
Create as many investment tabs as necessary to track your family investment.
Historical Tab
Create a simple format data table. It could be as simple as Assets, Liabilities, and Net Assets or could be complex with all the high level investment detail. It's your choice to see how much historical data you want to capture here.
Date Assets Liabilities Net Worth
2022-07-23 700,000 500,000 200,000
You can insert a few Google Charts here to show the trend for your assets, liabilities/debts, and net worth.
There's no manual update required on this tab... simply set up the structure and use the scripts below to run.
Now, you can create a script and setup to automatically copy the data from Today tab to your historical tab.
You can set the trigger for the script to run every time the Google Sheet opens. You can also run the script manually using the Macro function.
The script is setup to automatically override the entry if the same date has been recorded previously.
Disclaimer: I'm not an expert on Google Sheets/Javascript and this is the first time I tried Google Sheets. Test and verify first. I'm not responsible for any issue :).
I created the script and the entire tracking structure in a few hours and it seems to work well for my use case.
function findRow(colNumber, searchTerm, targetSheet ) {
const sheet = targetSheet; // OR GET DESIRED SHEET WITH .getSheetByName()
const dataRange = sheet.getDataRange();
var values = dataRange.getValues();
// remove all other column values - keep only 1 column
var values =,index) { return value[colNumber - 1]; });
let index = values.flat().map(Number).indexOf(+searchTerm);
var columnCount = 1;
var columnIndex = index % 1;
index = ((index - columnIndex) / columnCount);
return index >= 0 ? index + 1 : values.length + 1;
function CopyValueToHistoricalSheet() {
let spreadSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
let sourceSheet = spreadSheet.getSheetByName('Today');
let targetSheet = spreadSheet.getSheetByName('Historical');
let dateColumn = 2;
let dateValue = sourceSheet.getRange('Today!C1').getValue();
let newRowCount = findRow(dateColumn, dateValue, targetSheet);
let hInvestmentCol = 3;
let totalAssetCol = 8;
let mortgageCol = 9;
let totalLibCol = 12;
let netAssetsCol = 13;
sourceSheet.getRange('Today!C1').copyTo(targetSheet.getRange(newRowCount, dateColumn),SpreadsheetApp.CopyPasteType.PASTE_VALUES, false);
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